From the Brain of Matty

the end (29.05.04 1:06 am)

Yay! Friday. Last day of semester! Actually, it's Saturday now, isn't it. I'm officially swatting. Woohoo. Three exams, and then I can go away for a few months and forget all about university! Oh gods I hope I pass. I don't want to have to come back here after this year. I want to go away. And I know Shell really doesn't want to stay in Townsville any longer than absolutely necessary. Poor girl, being stuck here her whole life.

I just decided to look at my Notes page, and discovered that two interesting people whose diaries I read as often as my own actually left notes for me. And I didn't even know it! I hope I didn't offend anyone by not responding. Now that uni's as good as done for the semester, and we have some work lined up for the break, I'll probably be here in the office quite a bit between now and July, whiling away the hours online (when I should be working). Which means, yes, I'll be able to pay attention to my diary. Poor neglected thing. I should change the theme again, this evil quasisatanic chaos thing is just too.. freaky.

The reason I'm rambling is becaues I'm so damned tired. If it wasn't for Shell needing to go to work in the morning, I'd probably go to sleep tonight and not wake up until Sunday. At least, I wish I could do that. I think I've accidentally programmed my body to not let me get enough sleep. Stupid internal timing system things. It's not Shell's fault. I like Shelly. She's soft.

I hope I don't fail anything.

Okay I'm going home now, so Shell can take a bit of a nap before she has to get up and go to work.

Night all!