From the Brain of Matty

sleep (12.11.04 7:17 pm)

I slept from about midnight until 11:40am. It was the sleep I've needed for ages. And then, when my Shelly came home, we went out and had Subway for lunch. It was all very nice. Things weren't so nice when she dropped me at uni.. but I did what I came to, and now the rest of the night is ours.

Well, it will be, when she's done what she has to at her parents' place.

Brad lent me his copy of Transformers for PS2 [Atari's site]. I played that this morning when I woke up, until Shelly got back from her shoot this morning. It's quite a groovy game. My only problem is that the transformers aren't right. They probably have something to do with this weird 'new generation' crap. But Prime is all arranged wrong, and Megatron looks nothing like Megatron.

8:12pm Wow, I just went and asked Google about the Transformers, and why they're so different. I never realised how many versions of everything there actually were. Apparently they're based on the Armada incarnation, which does sound vaguely familiar to me... And it makes sense, now that I read more into it. Apparently Armada is all about the battle for the mincons, which is what the game is. I still think in terms of the Generation One universe, though, and always will.

Teehee, apparently Megatron went from being a luger to a tank because "Hasbro decided that a toy gun wasn't safe and just completely redid" him.

9:17pm Okay, I'll submit this page and add my new entry. Shell is on her way to pick me up, and I'm infused with so much Transformers knowledge now, I think I'll pop.

Ciao tutti!
Matty /<