From the Brain of Matty

C sockets (11.04.05 10:52 am)

I wrote the most complete, complex, and stupid assignment ever. It accepts multiple simultaneous connections using a multi-threaded server. It uses a quasi-HTTP/1.1 command format and response codes. It (hopefully) gracefully exits on any fatal error, including a nice message in the log file. It no longer dies when it receives a SIGPIPE. In fact, it does every damn thing a good client-server pair should do. And it's completely bloody useless! I was up until a quarter to midnight last night working on the damn thing and getting it finalised. Then, when I submitted it, I realied I didn't have to do a quarter of the stuff I did! I hate it when I get carried away like that.

But it's still pretty cool. I'm happy it works, after all that. I hope it works. Oh gods...

Now I'm meant to be working, but our server has died mysteriously, and we don't have the keys to get into the safe to get the encryption key required to (re)boot the machine. So we're sans fileserver for now.

I might go ingest a bunch of caffeine and taurine (which is apparently good for breaking down cholesterol). Dunno what I'll do after that.

Ciao belli!
Matty /<