From the Brain of Matty

Discordian Event (09.08.07 9:52 am)

Dan just pointed out to me that, earlier this morning, the date and time was

9-8-7 6:54:32.100

At least, if you write dates D-M-Y the way we do, and are willing to drop off some zeros.

I've decided, what with being a saint, prophet, and demiavatar of my Discordian faith, I should declare that instant in time as sacred. Because it's kind of neat.

The next interesting new millisecond will happen next year, at 08-07-06 05:04:03.210 (that's the 6th of July, 2008, at a bit past 5am.) The next one will be the year after, at 09-08-07 06:05:04.321. The last one (for now) will occur in December twenty-thirteen, at 13-12-11 10:09:08.765.

Mark them in your calendar. Now!