From the Brain of Matty

in love with a (two dimensional hand-inked fictional) girl (06.04.08 3:02 pm)

Every "me" I've ever been is still alive inside me, or a shadow of them at least. I can feel them, and sometimes I can hear them. No, that's wrong.. I am aware of them and how they'd react to a situation, and sometimes I can feel what they'd feel or see things the way they would see them. On April Fools' Day the xkcd guy redirected his front page to a different (completely different) webcomic. I won't say the name, because in the context of the rest of this post I don't want people reading it and thinking I'm some kind of wuss or weirdo, but I'll just say this: the content is.. questionable, at best.

*groan at terrible pun that no one else will get*

So anyway, the main character is a twenty-something indie guy who shares an apartment with his recovered-goth girlfriend and their mutual (screwed up) indie chick friend. And nineteen year old me fell in love with the screwed up friend. Things to note at this point: nineteen year old me was messed up, and probably could have fallen in love with a comic strip character; and nineteen year old me shared an apartment with his half-goth-half-indie-chick not-so-secret desperate crush.

On the morning of April 2, when I opened my bookmarks to read my usually daily webcomics, I was (momentarily) confused by the tab that opened instead of xkcd. Then I realised that the rest of the world is half a day slow, and it was still April 1 in the US. So I read the strip, and clicked Previous and read that one, then I clicked First and started reading from the beginning. After a while I realised that this particular comic is one of the old ones — the first strip was from 2003, and he posts pretty much every week-day. So I kept on reading. They aren't even all funny. But then, I suppose they aren't meant to be. I read through, and nineteen year old me came out and saw the sunshine for the first time in years. It took me about four days, but I'm caught up now, and am actually looking forward to Tuesday when I can get the next epsiode. At least, nineteen year old me is.

In other news: Bridget had a haircut yesterday. She went from long whispy fine baby hair to gorgeous Agent-99 little girl's bob cut. Her face is so much more visible, and her eyes seem so much bigger. Her expressions really come through now, too, which can be intimidating at times.

Mum and Bec have just arrived, and will be here for the week, so I'll cut short this post. I can't remember what else I was going to write anyway.

Wait, yes I can: I mowed the lawn, which was tiresome; and I'm being put in charge of my own team at work (of one other person, but it's still a senior position.) So there you go.

Chao alles!

PS. don't click here.

PPS. don't worry Shell, twenty-one-plus year old me doesn't love her. You're safe.

... for now ...