From the Brain of Matty

not so stupid (08-May-04 9:30 am)

Er, I think someone was a little  grumpy  yesterday. Sorry for going off. Dunno why I was in such a bad mood, I guess I just needed to vent something.

I did manage to get one page pretty much fully completed.

Now I have to star in Shell's movie this afternoon. I need more sleep, and more food. Blech. But it should be okay. I wonder what my 'romantic interest' looks like. Her name's Kim or Kym or something. Ah well, time to turn on the ol' charm, I suppose.

Update: Yes, she was pretty alright. It makes it much easier having a love interest who's pretty alright. The whole experience is actually much more fun with someone else going through it too. And she has a good sense of humour. I think we're filming some more tomorrow afternoon, after Rochelle's induction into the Golden Key Society for snobby straight-A students. Woohoo... that'll be fun... The things one does for those one loves. Ah well.
