From the Brain of Matty

summation (05.08.04 8:29 am)

Okay overall this trip hasn't been too bad.

� The first week in the City with Shell was wonderful. Absolutely brilliant. Loved it.

� The second week (1st@Deb's) was.. okay.. I did nothing during the day, watched ripped VCDs and bummed around and blech.

� The third week (2nd@Deb's) was traumatic. Didn't get enough sleep, Shell had heaps of trouble at work experience, and eventually quit (so at least having her around gave me something to do during the day), and yeah it was pretty blech.

� The fourth week (3rd@Deb's) is not so bad. Deb seemed to snap out of whatever stupid thing she was in on the weekend, and has spent hardly any time going out with her friends (or having them around here until all hours). The 6y/o got in big trouble because she'd be acting like such a shit lately, so her act has picked up, and Shell has been a lot more relaxed. And now we're going back to Townsville. It's probably the best way to do it, because if we'd left feeling like we did in the 1st week, we'd never have wanted to catch the plane. And the 2nd and 3rd weeks were pretty much downers and would have left a bad taste in the mouth. So leaving now, when things have started to look up a bit, but still are no way near as amazing as the first week, is probably the best way to do it.

It's a pity I never got to go visit Nana though. Oh well, next time.

I'm not dead.