From the Brain of Matty

damn kids (29.11.04 10:05 am)

Horoscope 1:

Here is your horoscope for Monday, November 29:
Throw that Marvin Gaye album on, turn the lights down low and indulge in an evening of private romance. Save the conversation for another time.

Horoscope 2:

Here is your horoscope for Monday, November 29:
Finally, it's time for you to take a break, and not a moment too soon. After the emotional turbulence you've been dealing with, an evening 'vacation' will be quite enjoyable. Take full advantage of every minute.

Should be fun.  ;o)

These damn kids.. I wish Fran wouldn't bring kids into the office and set them in the development lab playing UT, shouting and doing stupid sound effects and using the powerful computers and everything. I can't even think. Grr.

The car is going in to get a service tomorrow. I had an exam this morning, and have one on Wednesday, and that's it. I can't think of anything else to write.

I'm not dead.
Matty /<