From the Brain of Matty

old things (15.12.04 6:40 pm)

Isn't it funny how some old things that you hardly ven remember can still sting you sometimes? I was just going through my ancient and rarely-used 'Archives' email folder, and saw a message from Alaina.

Date: Wed Feb 7 00:59:15 2001 EST
just thought you ought to know, i don't want to talk o you ever again.

Now, that's fine, I really don't care that she didn't/doesn't want to talk to me. I mean, I haven't even thought of her for years. But the thing that stung was that someone could actually want to not talk to me ever again. Especially someone with whom I talked so much, and got along with so well. I can't even remember the story behind the message, or what happened before it or since, it's just a nasty little thorn I've kept tucked away in my Archives folder, and it still has a sharp bit, even though I can't remember what bush it's from.

In the same folder I still have two message from Shell, and one in between from me to her, dated October 30/31, 2001 - about 25 days after we first started officially 'going out'. Those are definitely not thorns, they're flowers. And reading them reminds me exactly what bush they're from. It's funny to think of a time when we were afraid to mention the word 'marriage', even in a joke.. and now she's my wife.

I know that we joke about marriage and kids and things, but the thing is that I find it so easy to imagine these things with you. Not now, obviously, but definitely in the future.

The future is now.

How weird. We're living in the future.

And I'm married, to my Shelly, and we're going to apply for our first real house - with a yard! (Rented, granted, but still a house.) This is my life.

Okay, I have writers' block, so I'll stop.

Matty /<