From the Brain of Matty

2nd moments, gig NICs, and parasites (23.12.05 5:02 pm)

Wow, no entries in 22 days. How lame. Well, I'm entrying now.

Did you know that the second moment about any point x=ξ can be written as E[(X-ξ)2]=σ2+(μ-ξ)2 ? That is, the variance of X (the second moment about the mean, or the square of standard distribution) plus the mean minus the axis value all squared?

Neither did I. I'd much prefer it if I still didn't. It's amazing the crap they make you learn at uni.

In other, less crappy, news, apparently my darling wife has contracted some sort of parasitic infection in her lower abdomen, which has been making her feel sick for the past 8 weeks or so. And somehow she's been blaming me for giving it to her. We're going to the doctor's surgery some time early in the new year to get her all tested and scanned and stuff. I may have more news than.

Now it's *sigh* Christmas. *sigh* I'm not really in the mood for Christmas at the moment. We should postpone it for a week or so, so I have a chance to relax a bit and work myself into it. I spent the past two and a bit weeks upgrading the switches in the entire university. Now we have lovely (uniform) gigabit switches, instead of the various 100Mbit switches and 10Mbit hubs and gods know what else we used to have. Hopefully my new gig NIC will arrive in the next week (maybe). Should be fun. :o)

And no, I'm not going to translate that last paragraph. If you don't understand it, you won't care anyway.

I'm going to .. go and do .. something .. now ..

Be well.
Matty /<

PS: oh yeah, merry whatever.