From the Brain of Matty

shooting mormons (06.01.07 10:44 am)

Matty /<'s Wooden PC Shell has been commissioned to shoot a wedding today. I'm going along to assist. They're Mormons. I mention the fact because photos aren't allowed to be taken inside a Chapel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. So it won't be as hard a wedding as it could be to shoot. You can't interrupt a ceremony to say things like "take two steps to your left" or "hold on, I need to change memory cards." But that's taken care of for us, so it's only the before and after shots to worry about. And those you are allowed to interrupt.

I think we're gong to head off real soon.

My knee is still giving me grief. But I got a decent sleep last night. And Bridget gave me cubbles this morning, so I'm happy.

Be well. Oh, and happy twenty-oh-seven.

(If a hundred years ago was nineteen-oh-seven, and we abbreviate this year to oh-seven, and in three years' time it will be twenty-ten, why should we say two-thousand-and-seven? That's just dumb!)