From the Brain of Matty

why I'm quiet (06.01.08 10:11 pm)

Hey there Diaryland. Ever since the diaries I usually read stopped posting (or were locked), I've found it harder and harder to be motivated enough to post here myself.

What I have done, though, is redo my website in a horrible, crappy theme, with semi-regular blog posts thrown in for the hell of it. It feels more natural for me, just writing a webpage and linking it up, rather than logging in to someone else's project and handing my personal thoughts over to their database.

The posts on my new homepage aren't the same as the posts I've made here on Diaryland. This was (and may remain) a place for recording personal stuff — thoughts, events, things that affect me and my family. Basically it's a place to keep stuff that only I will be interested in reading back over in years to come. The new site contains stuff people might actually be interested in. Not "what I did today," but rather "what I think about such-and-such." Experiences and suggestions that might be enlightening, or maybe entertaining, to like-minded people.

The best thing I've written in a while was an email to my boss, which I can't relate here at all because it's all confidential. Pity, because I'm kind of happy with the germinating idea it contains.

So, in essence, my posts here will probably continue, but they'll be few and far between unless other interesting people start writing again (!!) and if you're interested in what I think of NetBeans 6.0, features I thing should be included in Java, my favourite PlayStation 2 games, etc. have a look at I may add an RSS feed eventually, if I feel up to it.

Today Fidget and I made a variation on our usual Daddy-Daughter Sunday, and took a drive up Mt Stuart, instead of walking around Cotter's Markets. This afternoon, when Shell came home from work, I mowed the lawn. Tomorrow is my first day back at work after Christmas/New Years. It may sound horrible, but it's been nice having my parents-in-law away visiting family for the past week. I really can't wait until it's just the three (or four) of us in our own place.

There you go, all up to date.
Chao alles.