From the Brain of Matty
Older Entries
- first in a few months - 27.10.09
- fifth anniversary - 10.07.09
- V-Day '09 - 17.02.09
- laundromat - 16.01.09
- moving out - 15.12.08
- feeling depressed - 24.11.08
- questionable content - 19.11.08
- YouTube - fart city - 08.11.08
- riding to work - 04.11.08
- Movember - 01.11.08
- the moods of matty - 18.09.08
- YouTube - 13.09.08
- three stops - 01.09.08
- forgetful - 22.08.08
- dentistry - 24.07.08
- postmodernist - 19.07.08
- the dark - 02.07.08
- moving office - 14.06.08
- daughter shaman - 10.06.08
- a little sad - 07.06.08
- as bad as having teeth pulled - 01.05.08
- the story so far - 19.04.08
- reasons to feel important - 17.04.08
- in love with a (two dimensional hand-inked fictional) girl - 06.04.08
- showerheads - 31.03.08
- Selection Inversion - 16.03.08
- stimulation overload - 31.01.08
- infectious - 18.01.08
- why I'm quiet - 06.01.08
- things java should have - 22.12.07
- NetBeans 6.0 - 20.12.07
- Conspiracy? - 02.11.07
- work rant - 31.10.07
- turned 27 - 28.10.07
- - 12.10.07
- a walk - 24.09.07
- surreality - 21.09.07
- metres squared - 12.09.07
- less wisdom - 04.09.07
- father's day 2 - 02.09.07
- so ... - 18.08.07
- random brain dump - 16.08.07
- high school II - 12.08.07
- high school stuff - 11.08.07
- Discordian Event - 09.08.07
- TLAPD - 06.08.07
- success - 05.08.07
- turning 1 - 04.08.07
- stress bunny - 30.07.07
- 19 Years Later - 24.07.07
- toothache apathy - 19.07.07
- sickness - 18.07.07
- (Under) Pressure - 09.07.07
- three years - 08.07.07
- thought for the day - 28.06.07
- Generated by OpenFnord 1.4.3 - 22.06.07
- active verbs - 20.06.07
- faith - 18.06.07
- Have a slogan! - 13.06.07
- sociopathy - 24.05.07
- ramblings - 23.05.07
- Bridget's first cut - 18.05.07
- head banging babby - 16.05.07
- been slack - 13.05.07
- another day - 22.04.07
- big day - 21.04.07
- zog - 08.04.07
- jeans - 07.04.07
- HTML DTD - 05.04.07
- tonsils - 02.04.07
- sleep - 01.04.07
- the freshmen - 01.04.07
- revalidate - 31.03.07
- superbug - 31.03.07
- disgusting babies - 27.03.07
- my weekend - 25.03.07
- horoscope - 21.03.07
- Conan - 18.03.07
- 1night stand - 18.03.07
- The Holy Bibble - 17.03.07
- dreams - 13.03.07
- butterfly effect - 12.03.07
- Hero Photos - 11.03.07
- supermatty - 10.03.07
- sick - 06.03.07
- idioms - 04.03.07
- Which Princess? - 03.03.07
- sudoku - 02.03.07
- observations from today - 28.02.07
- anagrams - 27.02.07
- finally - 21.02.07
- a week in the life - 17.02.07
- Is Uni Enough? - 15.02.07
- Unable to connect - 07.02.07
- aqua - 28.01.07
- salty breasts - 27.01.07
- Discontent drives the pen - 26.01.07
- the pressure - 25.01.07
- so very tired - 24.01.07
- New Project - 23.01.07
- sing star - 21.01.07
- chunderfury - 21.01.07
- fajitas - 20.01.07
- insomnious - 19.01.07
- a few things - 16.01.07
- from Bridget - 14.01.07
- religion vs. science - 12.01.07
- midnight music - 11.01.07
- instant noodles - 07.01.07
- shooting mormons - 06.01.07
- wooden case - 04.01.07
- Pantheon - 02.01.07
- happy new thing - 01.01.07
- bad mood cure - 29.12.06
- king of birds - 27.12.06
- another mile - 22.12.06
- got teef - 19.12.06
- no cubbles - 18.12.06
- more fonts - 15.12.06
- argh! - 14.12.06
- my font - 14.12.06
- demons - 12.12.06
- brisvegas brain dump - 11.12.06
- geekosity - 04.12.06
- whatever - 04.12.06
- brain dead - 29.11.06
- Stupid University - 29.11.06
- beast wars - 28.11.06
- stupid exam - 27.11.06
- tupperware 2 - 26.11.06
- tupperware - 26.11.06
- c'est la vie - 26.11.06
- updates - 25.11.06
- - - 22.11.06
- flow-chart - 19.11.06
- Dawn of War: Dark Crusade - 18.11.06
- world of warcraft - 17.11.06
- crappy mood - 16.11.06
- finding zen - 15.11.06
- happy birthday intarweb! - 14.11.06
- New 'Pants 1.2' Supports SuperThing - 13.11.06
- venting - 10.11.06
- whistling - 31.10.06
- Bridget's horoscope and teeth - 27.10.06
- epic poo - 15.10.06
- mountainous - 07.10.06
- trivial equus - 29.09.06
- I'm not dead - 28.09.06
- Would You Have Been a Nazi? - 15.09.06
- 8 days of not much - 10.09.06
- where it's at - 02.09.06
- I'm Not Dead - 26.08.06
- Fidget - 05.08.06
- Daddy II - 03.08.06
- Daddy - 03.08.06
- Mumford - 25.07.06
- jobs - 24.07.06
- Hello World - 20.07.06
- stupid seminar - 07.07.06
- blargh #3 - 30.06.06
- blargh #2 - 29.06.06
- blargh - 27.06.06
- winamp love - 06.06.06
- armageddon - 05.06.06
- off to war - 03.06.06
- depression - 02.06.06
- surreal day - 26.05.06
- Quake� guy - 24.05.06
- project - 15.05.06
- lost - 08.05.06
- brithday surprise - 03.05.06
- whole life - 25.04.06
- lawnmower half-life - 23.04.06
- slashdot rent - 22.04.06
- 2nd Post - 21.04.06
- early morning half-life - 21.04.06
- gym sick - 20.04.06
- brain dump - 18.04.06
- Skype Zero - 16.04.06
- Coke Zero? - 12.04.06
- a pen pal - 10.04.06
- lawn mower man - 08.04.06
- statement - 07.04.06
- no beard - 05.04.06
- pen pal - 04.04.06
- I Need a Break - 03.04.06
- moving stuff - 31.03.06
- stuff - 24.03.06
- quizzes - 19.03.06
- Fidget - 19.03.06
- ultrasound - 17.03.06
- pearls of wisdom - 15.03.06
- news, shoes, and DVDs - 11.03.06
- More Wisdom - 09.03.06
- QOTD - 07.03.06
- haircut - 07.03.06
- baby - 03.03.06
- Trivial GeoCities Baby Presentations - 02.03.06
- elbows + trivia (2) - 18.02.06
- elbows + trivia - 16.02.06
- heartbeat - 01.02.06
- baby love - 04.01.06
- Happy New Thing - 01.01.06
- 2nd moments, gig NICs, and parasites - 23.12.05
- gym + crap passwords - 01.12.05
- critical analysis - 18.11.05
- sleeping, working, and dough - 16.11.05
- Doing A Do - 14.11.05
- supid damn teeth - 31.10.05
- Quake 4 + Ruby - 26.10.05
- I'm not dead - 24.10.05
- friends and icons - 15.09.05
- National Identity, et. al. - 26.08.05
- another friday - 12.08.05
- I'm not dead - 08.08.05
- what a day - 05.08.05
- Domino's - 01.08.05
- ergon - 28.07.05
- domino's, honours, robots - 26.07.05
- I'm Not Dead - 05.07.05
- IE sucks arse! - 23.06.05
- horoscopes - 03.06.05
- boooring - 02.06.05
- Oh Gods... - 16.05.05
- I'm not dead - 13.05.05
- I'm sick - 11.05.05
- what a life - 10.05.05
- stupid people - 29.04.05
- Australian Idol - 26.04.05
- relaxed swamps - 15.04.05
- C sockets - 11.04.05
- I'm not dead - 09.04.05
- what a week - 22.03.05
- early miscarriage - 17.03.05
- crap day - 15.03.05
- oh dear gods - 14.03.05
- more teaching - 11.03.05
- teaching - 05.03.05
- recovery - 01.03.05
- weekend away - 28.02.05
- guess - 23.02.05
- beep beep Barina! - 22.02.05
- new cars - 22.02.05
- memory dump - 21.02.05
- living rooms - 20.02.05
- bleeding - 18.02.05
- Day after Valentine's Day - 15.02.05
- Valentine's Day - 14.02.05
- stinky water - 11.02.05
- marvin - 07.02.05
- another day - 05.02.05
- crap - 04.02.05
- Gran Turismo - 04.02.05
- smog?? - 03.02.05
- computer - 02.02.05
- rode - 31.01.05
- temperance - 30.01.05
- australianana - 25.01.05
- wasting time - 21.01.05
- yo ma diggaz - 20.01.05
- I'm rooted - 18.01.05
- moving - 13.01.05
- anomolous update - 10.01.05
- old entry - 07.01.05
- resolution - 03.01.05
- sunburn - 01.01.05
- boooring - 31.12.04
- bah humbug - 26.12.04
- - - 23.12.04
- memory lane - 22.12.04
- good to worst - 21.12.04
- jobs - 21.12.04
- house sitting - 20.12.04
- another stupid horoscope - 19.12.04
- happy - 16.12.04
- old things - 15.12.04
- hotnauk,cin - 15.12.04
- management - 13.12.04
- oh my goddess - 11.12.04
- family tree - 04.12.04
- strong genes - 03.12.04
- peace and quiet - 30.11.04
- damn kids - 29.11.04
- another update - 26.11.04
- where it's at - 24.11.04
- people suck - 19.11.04
- Pay Aneontin - 17.11.04
- so sleepy... - 15.11.04
- My Travels - 14.11.04
- sweat - 14.11.04
- more horoscopes - 14.11.04
- sleep - 12.11.04
- met her match - 07.11.04
- Snatch - 06.11.04
- Makybe Diva - 02.11.04
- how close was I? - 01.11.04
- living vicariously through my wife - 31.10.04
- 10 - 1 = 8? - 30.10.04
- Mac OS X - 28.10.04
- older - 26.10.04
- baking - 17.10.04
- for my birthday - 16.10.04
- jots - 15.10.04
- ego boost - 10.10.04
- marriedness - 09.10.04
- rant - 07.10.04
- observations - 05.10.04
- fractal horoscopes - 02.10.04
- movies - 01.10.04
- hello, cruel world - 28.09.04
- no title - 26.09.04
- cubicles - 23.09.04
- my notes - 20.09.04
- don't bury me - 19.09.04
- week in summary - 16.09.04
- fasta pasta - 11.09.04
- all the small things - 10.09.04
- too good - 08.09.04
- Contact Details - 08.09.04
- the good things - 08.09.04
- a very meh day - 07.09.04
- so tired - 06.09.04
- not bad, but tired - 05.09.04
- evil week - 03.09.04
- what a weekend 2 - 30.08.04
- what a weekend - 30.08.04
- new look #4 - 26.08.04
- revenge of the finger - 24.08.04
- my finger! - 23.08.04
- wedding photos - 22.08.04
- been so long - 21.08.04
- summation - 05.08.04
- calm - 03.08.04
- okay fuck this - 31.07.04
- screw this - 30.07.04
- layers - 26.07.04
- still not dead - 26.07.04
- outta here - 23.07.04
- thoughts - 21.07.04
- still married - 14.07.04
- marrieder - 11.07.04
- married - 09.07.04
- July - 30.06.04
- quizzes - 26.06.04
- if I were - 24.06.04
- about damn time - 22.06.04
- grrr - 16.06.04
- not to her - 10.06.04
- jogging - 10.06.04
- stupid - 09.06.04
- why? - 08.06.04
- not dead - 07.06.04
- LotR - 30.05.04
- the end - 29.05.04
- butter - 26.05.04
- screensave - 20.05.04
- Darryl - 19.05.04
- erm ..? - 18.05.04
- uplate - 14-May-04
- random - 12-May-04
- smfrmblnk - 10-May-04
- wheel of fish - 09-May-04
- not so stupid - 08-May-04
- stupid life - 07-May-04
- ANZAC Day - 25-Apr-04
- been a while - 22-Apr-04
- Amor tussisque non celantur - 17-Apr-04
- boring saturday - 17-Apr-04
- stupid bloody computers - 14-Apr-04
- empathetic - 13-Apr-04
- sex - 13-Apr-04
- mental quiz - 12-Apr-04
- famberly - 12-Apr-04
- happy days - 10-Apr-04
- ooold - 08-Apr-04
- long entry - 08-Apr-04
- Ba-ack! - 07-Apr-04
- back in a few days - 04-Apr-04
- day 2 - 02-Apr-04
- wilcume - 01-Apr-04
Copyright © Matthew Kerwin, 2007-2008.
All Rights Reserved.