From the Brain of Matty

random (12-May-04 11:54 am)

What a strange day. Last night Shell & I were up until half past one or so being generally decadent and having lots of fun. When we woke up this morning there were two cream liqueur bottles, a champagne bottle, and two wine glasses on the bedroom floor, all empty. And Shell doesn't remember a thing.

Must have been a good night.

Now I'm floating around in a daze, picturing demented ibis bearing vicious messages from long-dead gods in a chaotic maelstrom of imperfect mathematics and bizarre reason and twisted fates.

So I don't think there's much chance of me getting any real work done.

I should try to channel this .. interesting energy into something harmless, like making webpages. That could be fun.

Update: there, new look. Very dark. Very evil. I like it. I think it suits me.

I'm not dead.