From the Brain of Matty

blargh #3 (30.06.06 2:27 am)

There, another revision down. All I have to do is tack in a bunch more images first thing tomorrow at uni, then show my supervisor, then (probably) spend the weekend making those changes. But whatever, it's due first thing next week. There are only so many revision I can do.

I have decided I'm not going to stay at JCU after honours (after this year). If some other (better) university decides to offer me a graduate position (ideally PhD) I'll consider it, but if not (as is most likely) I'll just go get a real job.

I'm thinking in footnotes and LATEX... I almost wrote "emph{those}" before. Blargh.

Oh yeah, we lost badly at trivia tonight. Also this afternoon I came home early, and found myself locked out of the house. So I got stuck into the garden; I mowed the back lawn, and cut down half of the bottle-brush tree. The yard is starting to come good. You'll have to come check it out some time, dear reader. I'd take a photo, but I can't be arsed.

Now I'm off to bed again. 2:30am is far too late, especially when I have to be up around 7:30 every morning. Roll on weekend!

Ciao tutti. Be well.
Matty /<