From the Brain of Matty

Happy New Thing (01.01.06 2:41 pm)

Year. Happy New Year, that's it.

I make no resolutions. There's no point. Life goes on. So es ist.

However I've made one conscious decision, I'm tired of pronouncing years like 2005 as "two thousand and five". Now it's 2006. One hundred years ago was 1906, pronounced "nineteen-oh-six", so why is this year not "twenty-oh-six"? So I've decided I'm going to actually say "twenty-oh-six" and be damned to all the weirdos who thought this century would sound better if we said it all stupidly.

Close enough to a new year's resolution.

Christmas was pretty typical, too hot at my grandmother-in-law's place, too loud with all my in-laws around, but I got given two books (a PTerry and a Crichton) for Christmas, so I read the first on Christmas day, and read the second on boxing day. Enough to keep me satisfiedly distracted.

I'm such as ass.

Now it's New Year's Day, and I'm avoiding people again by playing in the computer room at the parents-in-laws'. Not much else to talk about, really.

Ciao tutti. Be well.
And avoid snotty vomit. It's not very pleasant.

Matty /<